Digital Shopping Mall (DSM) is poised to achieve massive success within its first year of operations due to its revolutionary futuristic business concept that will offer high-quality products and services from the global supplier base, all at their (suppliers') preferred fiat currencies, to its global clientele base almost for free, thanks to DSMs revolutionary pre-ordering technology powered by DSMs digital shopping points (DSPs), its decentralized Hyperledger Besu private blockchain technology that affords global reach, zero transaction costs, highest privacy, security, transparency, and a trustless business environment where the whole DSM business model is automated through blockchain smart contracts, and an AI-powered business assistant to ensure top-notch customer services and location of a prospective buyer's sought products and services.
在目前超過99% 的人不使用基於區塊鏈的技術及其加密貨幣的環境中,要在基於區塊鏈的業務中取得成功,您需要擁有一個可行且革命性的商業模式,儘管該模式由區塊鏈技術提供支持,但不需要人們擁抱新技術。
潛在買家需要擁有數位購物點 (DSP) 才能在商場內預訂或購買產品和服務。他們可以透過法定貨幣支付直接從 DSM 購買積分,因此不需要持有數位購物幣(DSC)。
DSP 不可轉讓,也不能在加密貨幣交易所進行交易。它們專門供持有者在商場內預訂或購買產品和服務,從而確保它們不被盜竊,並防止 DSC 在加密貨幣交易所中傾銷。
Prospective buyers will be motivated to buy DSPs because it is the only way to buy products and services at deep discounts not available elsewhere, thanks to our smart pre-ordering process powered by blockchain technology.
For example, if the product's or service's current DSM selling price is $1,800, prospective buyers can pre-order it by reserving with DSPs worth only $18, which represents 100 times reduction on the current price (99% discount).
當全球潛在買家為了預購該產品或服務而購買價值18 美元的DSP 時,市場上DSC 的價格將會上漲,這反過來又會提高DSP 的價格,因為DSP 的價格與適用於該產品或服務的價格相同。DSC。這意味著,隨著DSC 價格的持續上漲,用於預訂產品或服務的價值18 美元的DSP 將達到1,800 美元的價值,並且使預訂者只需花費18 美元預訂產品或服務即可購買此類產品或服務。產品或服務。
如果潛在買家不想等待 DSC 價格上漲才購買,他們可以選擇以當前 DSC 匯率進行預購。這種選擇仍然為他們提供了零售市場上無法獲得的大量優惠,因為帝斯曼安排從供應商批量購買,導致帝斯曼售價低於零售價。
1. 在我們的商城中第一個推薦的每項產品或服務的代言佣金,直至每項推薦的產品/服務的代言佣金總額達到100,000美元。這是以前從未做過的。
2. Partners' endorsement commissions for each product/service recommended by their invited business partners 10 levels deep.
3. Partners' purchase commissions for products/services bought by their invited business partners 10 levels deep.
4. 合作夥伴對其推薦人購買的廣告收取的廣告收入佣金,深度為 10 級。
6. 其內容所產生的廣告收入的廣告收入分成。
7. 合作夥伴對其業務夥伴在 DSM 社群媒體網站上購買的優質服務的收入分成,深度為 10 個等級。
8. DSM Founding Members will share the spoils of 10% of DSMs monthly revenue, and 20% of the shareholding in DSMs subsidiary companies established in each country where DSM operates globally. This sharing will be proportionate to their Founding Membership ratio, which is inheritable to their heirs. We are currently running the free Founding Membership opportunities campaign to invite people to join DSM. It is a free opportunity where each verified member you invited will earn you 1 DSP, which will have an initial value of $50,000 when the points are issued to the public. 1 billion DSPs are allocated for Founding Membership opportunities. The campaign will run until all the allocated DSPs are rewarded.
會員佣金以DSP支付,只能用於DSM生態系統內的免費購物。這提高了他們被動收入的價值,因為 DSP 使他們能夠以零售價 99% 以上的價格購買產品和服務。此外,DSP 獨有的商場內購物功能推動了對 DSM 商場內提供的商品和服務的需求,從而吸引了供應商。
While the supply of DSC is fixed at 40 billion coins, its demand is likely to keep growing as more quality products and services are added to the mall, allowing buyers to buy them almost for free as explained above.
Its absolute maximum quantity of 40 billion coins makes it a non-inflationary currency, unlike fiat and other cryptocurrencies that have no limit on the quantity of their currencies, which makes them inflationary.
以下是我們如何得出每枚代幣 50,000 美元的 DSC 初始估值:##*
我們將在加密貨幣交易所將加密貨幣的初始價格設定為每枚 50,000 美元。只有 DSM 才會有 DSC,在初始交易確定後可以在加密貨幣交易所進行交易。其餘的將擁有 DSP 形式的 DSC,這些 DSC 不能在加密貨幣交易所進行交易。那些從加密貨幣交易所購買 DSC 的人無法合理地以低於購買價格的價格出售它們。這將確保 DSC 的交易價格不會低於 50,000 美元。
我們有能力鑄造任意數量的 DSC 並設定我們想要的任何初始價格,因為人們仍然希望他們幾乎免費購買產品和服務,如上所述。
我們的會員將直接從商城購買 DSP,或將他們從加密貨幣交易所購買的 DSC 轉換為 DSP,然後才能使用它們在商城內預訂或購買產品和服務。
Once a DSC is converted to a DSP, it cannot be converted back to DSC. This will work to reduce the quantity of DSCs in the market, and hence increase its price.
In fact, we could even mint 100 billion coins and set the initial price per coin to be $100K. Still, our business model will work to raise the value of our coin even higher. Did I mention that we plan to surprise our business partners on that historic day when DSC initial price is set?
Based on the above explanations, I hope you can see the justification of the quantity of DSC we are planning to mint (40 billion) and its initial price ($50,000).
You can also see why DSMs blockchain and DSC are highly likely to become the first blockchain-based business model and cryptocurrency to go mainstream now that DSCs non-inflationary, lucrative business model, zero cost transaction fees, and price stability attributes make it the the ideal currency to assume the roles of money as a store of value and a medium of exchange.